What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Veneers?

What You Must Know If You Want Veneers Fitted

Physical appearance is important, and a shiny pearly-white smile goes a long way in maintaining natural looking teeth. The more stained and damaged your teeth are, the less confident you become. If you’re looking for a treatment that enhances your looks and smile, why not look at Dental Veneers?

Dental Veneers are a well-recognized, long-lasting smile makeover solution that is typically treated for worn or discolored teeth. It is your one-way ticket to fixing your aesthetic and physical issues with thin pieces of tooth-colored porcelain material, shaped to suit your appearance.

Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Whilst it is a credible choice of treatment for long-lasting pearly whites, it is not for everyone. There are some great long-lasting benefits, but there are also some drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the main three pros and cons of porcelain veneers.

Pros of Dental Veneer Treatment

  • Restore Naturality – Enamel can wear off with excessive brushing and flossing. It also happens when you eat excessive acidic solids and liquids. Veneers are highly resistant to staining. The porcelain layer adhesive is bonded to the teeth. This protects the yellow dentin under the enamel. Veneers are naturally white and translucent. Once fitted there are no eating restrictions. Smile naturally and eat naturally.
  • No more Cosmetic Issues – Porcelain veneers can last for at least 20 years if cared for. Say goodbye to visible erosion, small gaps, damaged and stained teeth, because they are unrecognizable behind the veneers, helping you restore your self-confidence to smile naturally.
  • Impactful Results – Veneer treatment require minimal preparation of the teeth. The molded porcelain material delivers results at your first few appearances at the dentist.

Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Cons of Dental Veneer Treatment

  • An Expensive Form of Treatment – Whilst a Dental Veneer procedure delivers sustainable results, they are also an expensive form of treatment. An accurate diagnosis is carried out before a treatment plan is produced. This is to understand how many teeth require veneers. Therefore, expect a more variable cost than a fixed cost.
  • Dental Veneers Are Not Reversible – You can change your mind on the clothes that you buy. You cannot do this once veneers are placed. Before fitting the veneers your teeth are shaped accordingly, and by then its too late.
  • Increased Sensitivity – Once your enamel is removed it is likely you’ll experience a temporary negative reaction, and that is common. It may take up to 3-6 weeks before you can begin to naturally and freely smile. There are dental products available that will help with the uncomfortable feeling.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, your dentist will determine whether the Dental Veneer procedure is the right choice of cosmetic treatment.  They are an excellent way to hide discolored, crooked or damaged teeth, however, the initial examination of your teeth by the dentist will determine if they are right for you. Be prepared to change any negative eating and drinking habits in order to experience long-lasting results.

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