Discover the Dental Benefits of Drinking Green Tea
If you’re a coffee drinker, you may want to consider swapping your morning java for tooth-friendly green tea. While green tea boasts antioxidants and yields a remarkable array of overall health benefits, it also can keep your pearly whites healthy. Here are some of the top oral health benefits of drinking tea: May reduce oral […]
Why Is Smoking So Bad For Your Teeth?

It’s common knowledge that smoking can lead to lung cancer and severe cardio-pulmonary issues that may become life threatening. And while these conditions are serious, there’s another part of your body that’s commonly affected by frequent tobacco use—your mouth and teeth. Aside from causing teeth discouloration, smoking can also: Increase your risk of oral cancer […]
What Your Mouth Can Reveal About Your Health

Did you know that your mouth, teeth and gums reveal major clues about your general health? That means that every time you visit our practice for a general check or cleaning, you’re doing more than just protecting your teeth from cavities—in fact, you could be preventing an array of unwanted health problems in your future. […]
Sparkling Water: Good or Bad for Your Teeth?

There’s a new trend among us—and for the most part, it’s a good one! Today, more and more people are swapping out soft drinks for a carbonated beverage that’s a healthier alternative—sparkling water. And while it’s certainly better for your teeth than drinking a high-in-sugar beverage, there are a few things you should consider before […]
Is Chewing Gum Really Bad for Your Teeth?

It’s a habit many people across the world chew on every day—literally. Chewing gum. There are thousands of varieties, some which even claim to improve your mood, reduce hunger cravings or stimulate brain activity. But what kind of effect does chewing gum actually have on your teeth? Here are a few facts about gum to […]
What’s the Deal With Baby Teeth?

Have you ever wondered why we have two sets of teeth in our lifetime? Though we don’t keep our baby teeth for long, they do serve an important purpose during the first few years of our lives. Check out these five facts about your first set of teeth! 1. Baby teeth are also known as […]
Is Thumb-Sucking Bad for Your Child’s Oral Health?

A natural reflex for children, thumb-sucking can help babies to feel happy and safe in the world around them. However, as permanent teeth begin to come in, thumb-sucking can cause teeth problems involving growth and alignment as well as changes to the roof of their mouth. Aggressive thumb-suckers can even do damage to their baby […]
5 Remedies for Your Toothache

We’ve all been there—whether it comes on in an instant or slowly creeps up on us, a toothache is no fun to deal with. Typically caused by decay, receding gums or even a broken or loose filling, it’s important that the root cause of your toothache is addressed—making a visit to our practice a priority. […]
4 Ways to Care for Your Teeth When You’re Sick

It’s typically easy to remember to put your oral health first…until you catch the flu. Suddenly, rest becomes your number one priority, along with nursing a sore throat, upset stomach and an unbearable cough. Here are a few ways you can keep up your oral health in times of illness. 1. Continue your oral health […]
5 Ways to Prevent Cavities

At some point in your life, you’ve probably heard these four little words from your dentist—”You’ve got a cavity.” While some people simply accept cavities as a normal part of life, we’d like to let you in on a little secret—there’s something you can do to prevent them. In fact, there are a few things […]