What To Do When My Teeth Keep Falling Out?

Nobody likes to lose their permanent teeth, yet it can suddenly happen out of nowhere. When it does, it should raise concerns about your dental health. We always hope that as adults, teeth will remain strong and durable forever. Teeth naturally fall out when we are youngsters as a part of growth and development.

A significant dental emergency such as teeth falling out should be handled as such. While it is normal to panic once it has occurred, it is crucial to remain calm while it does.

So, why do teeth fall out, and what should you do when this happens? Teeth can fall out for a variety of causes, and below breaks down everything you need to know.

Why Are My Teeth Falling Out?

Typically, there are two reasons why teeth can fall out of their socket:

  • Periodontal Disease – Gum infection is caused when dental plaque and germs from the area around the tooth drip down to the gums. Infected gums pull away from the tooth’s root and form pockets. As the bacteria move further into the pockets, they will eventually reach the gums and, subsequently, the bone. Your bone primarily supports your teeth, and as your bone resorbs and weakens, your teeth will eventually lose their base and fall out. When this occurs, several teeth may lose their position.
  • Injury or Trauma – Accidents can happen at any time, whether due to a collision or an unintentional fall. This is more likely if you routinely participate in contact sports without using any type of dental mouthguard that could protect your teeth. A physical incident that occurs while your teeth are already at risk for damage is likely to harm them.
  • Cavities – Dental cavities are one of the first signs of tooth decay. Cavities are permanently damaged areas of the tooth surface which lead to tiny openings or holes forming. This is caused by a build-up of bacteria and dental plaque from frequent snacking of sugars and carbohydrates and a poor oral routine.

What Should I Do If My Teeth Fall Out?

Knowing what to do right away when teeth are falling out is crucial. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • Make a prompt appointment with the dentist. It would be better if you could schedule an urgent appointment on the same day.
  • Refrain from contacting the tooth’s crown but not the root. The infection could spread if the dentist tries to connect the tooth while the root is infected.
  • After gently rinsing the tooth, try to reposition it in the socket by gently biting down.
  • Keep the tooth wet by putting it in a jar with milk if you can’t put it back in its socket.

How Can I Prevent My Teeth from Falling Out?

Sometimes, uncontrollable circumstances can cause teeth to fall out unexpectedly. However, what is equally important is to ensure that you take steps to keep your teeth and gums strong so your teeth don’t begin to lose their strength.

It all stems from your oral routine, such as:

  • Ensure that you regularly visit the dentist for dental cleanings and examinations 
  • Brush and floss your teeth every day until your mouth is clean from any food debris 
  • Rinse your mouth after eating to avoid any bacteria build-up
  • Drink water regularly to maintain strong saliva flow in the mouth
  • Avoid sugars and carbohydrates and replace them with calcium-rich healthy options

Are any of your teeth falling out? If so, you must contact your local dentist as soon as possible. This will allow them to examine overall dental health and determine the next best course of action. Treatment will likely be necessary, and various cosmetic options are available to plug the gap and save your smile.

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