What To Do If You Have A Cracked Molar?

Molars are some of the most important teeth in our mouths. They help us chew our food and play a key role in our smiles. But what if you have a cracked molar? What should you do? Keep reading to find out.

The back teeth, or molars, are more prominent and have a different shape than the teeth in the front of the mouth. The chewing surfaces of molars also have ridges or cusps that help grind food. Molars typically erupt (or come in) around ages 6 to 12. Because they are used for biting and grinding, molars are strong teeth. However, they can still crack from large amounts of force. Biting into hard candy or ice cubes, for example, can cause a molar to crack. 

Chewing on non-food items like pencils or pens can also lead to cracked molars.

In some cases, a cracked molar may not cause any symptoms. However, a cracked molar can also be quite painful.

Some of the essential points that one should keep under consideration if one gets a molar cracked are :

1.  Rinse your mouth with warm water

Rinse your mouth with warm water can help loosen and remove food particles that may be stuck in the crack. Moreover, the warmth of the water can help to soothe any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly, as food particles left behind can lead to further infection. If you are experiencing pain or swelling, seek prompt medical attention as a Cracked molar can be a severe condition.

2.  Cold compression

To help alleviate the pain, apply a cold compress to the area for about 15 minutes. This will help to desensitize the area and reduce inflammation. If you do not have a cold compress, you can wrap ice in a towel and apply it to the affected area.

3.  Take ibuprofen for pain relief

Cracked molar pain can be unbearable. You may feel like you need to take ibuprofen for pain relief every few hours. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs help to control inflammation. If pain is not getting settled with ibuprofen, talk to your dentist about other options such as over-the-counter pain relievers or dental treatments.

4.  Avoid biting down on the affected tooth

To avoid this pain, it is essential to avoid biting down on the affected tooth. If you must eat, try to chew on the other side of your mouth. A cracked molar can lead to further dental problems if it is not treated correctly.

5.  See a dentist as soon as possible

Seeing a dentist as soon as possible is essential, whether a small crack or a large one. Cracks in teeth can cause pain and sensitivity and, if left untreated, can lead to more severe problems.

A dentist will usually treat a cracked molar by filling the crack with a particular type of bonding material. This material helps to hold the tooth together and prevents further damage. In some cases, a crown may also be necessary to protect the tooth from further damage.

Parkdale Family Dental is here to help you with your cracked molar. We understand that this can be a painful and challenging experience. That’s why we offer various services to help you through this tough time. We’ll work with you to find the best course of treatment, whether it’s a simple filling or a more complex procedure. We are here to help you get your smile back, so don’t hesitate to call us today.

Thank you for reading!

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