Why Are My Teeth Falling Out?

No adult likes to lose a permanent tooth and sometimes it can happen unexpectedly. When it does happen, it’s a red flag when it comes to your oral health. Teeth naturally fall out when we’re children as part of growth and development, but we always hope that as an adult, teeth stay strong and durable forever. 

Teeth falling out is a serious dental emergency and should be treated as such. Although, it is important not to panic when it happens, whilst it’s natural to once it’s happened.

There are a multitude of reasons that cause teeth to fall out, which will be covered here along with steps on what to do next. 

So, What Are My Teeth Falling Out?

There are typically two main reasons for teeth falling out: periodontal disease or trauma (injury). 

  • Periodontal Disease – When dental plaque and bacteria from around the tooth, will trickle down to the gums causing gum infection. When gums are infected, they pull back from the root of the tooth and create pockets. The bacteria will begin to penetrate further deeper into those pockets, towards the gums and then to the bone. The bone is the key support for your teeth, and when the bone resorbs and weakens, teeth will lose their foundation causing them to eventually fall out. Multiple teeth are likely to fall out when this happens.
  • Injury or Trauma – An accident can occur at any time, whether it be through an accidental fall or a collision. This is more likely if you regularly play contact sports without any protection to your teeth such as a dental mouthguard. If your teeth are naturally at risk and a physical incident occurs, the impact on your teeth is likely to be severe. 

What Should I Do Next?

With teeth falling out, it is important to be aware of the next immediate steps.

  • Contact the dentist as quickly as possible. If you can get an emergency appointment for the same day, that is more beneficial.
  • Avoid touching the tooth by the root but by the crown. If the root is infected and the dentist attempts to reattach the tooth, the infection can spread. 
  • Gently rinse the tooth and attempt to place it back into the socket with a gentle bite-down when in position.
  • If you can’t place the tooth back into its socket, keep it moist by placing it in a container with milk

How Can I Prevent Teeth Falling Out?

Modern dentistry means that teeth falling out isn’t as common, but this can also depend on how well you look after your oral health at home amongst other oral hygiene steps.

  • Brush and floss your teeth every day to a point where no debris remains in the mouth
  • Rinse your mouth after eating, again so no debris remains in the mouth
  • Regularly visit the dentist for dental cleanings and examinations
  • Avoid bad habits such as smoking tobacco

These are simple steps that you should continue to take in the event of teeth falling out. Teeth falling out can be avoided if you perform the required oral routine steps every day so that your teeth, gums and bone remain strong.

If your tooth or a set of teeth are falling out, then get onto the phone to an emergency dentist immediately. 

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