Tooth Bonding or Dental Veneers – A Closer Look

Are you considering cosmetic dentistry to fix a defect in your teeth? It could be a gap, a chip or stained teeth. There are a variety of cosmetic treatments available to fix the defect to restore your smiling confidence. There are two similar procedures that patients have enquired about; tooth bonding or dental veneers.

We take a closer look at the difference between tooth bonding or dental veneers to help you make an informed choice that works best for your smile.

What Is Tooth Bonding Treatment?

Any gaps or chips in your teeth can be resolved through tooth bonding. Tooth bonding is a cosmetic procedure where a composite resin material is applied to a tooth. To begin, the dentist uses a shade guide for the right resin colour to be applied to your smile. The surface of the tooth is roughed and shaped up before a liquid is applied, which is known as the bonding agent. This agent is for the material to stick to your teeth. The dentist will then harden the material using ultraviolet light.

cosmetic dental veneers treatment

What Is Dental Veneer Treatment?

Dental Veneers are dubbed the ‘Hollywood’ smile. Veneers are a wafer-thin, custom-made shell made out of a variety of materials bonded to the front surface of your teeth. The porcelain material used to mould the veneer is strong and translucent and its strength is of similar stature to your enamel. Whilst there are other materials for veneers available,  porcelain is ultimately the strongest and the most common material choice.

Veneers are a popular treatment choice not only because of its material qualities, but it also saves you money in the long-term and it eliminates the need for extensive treatments.

patient performing dental veneers treatment

Which Treatment Should I Choose?

To help you make the right choice for the defect in your smile, we’ve taken this question and have broken down the factors that will help you make the right decision. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Costings – Veneers are the more expensive, with an average cost ranging between $400 to $800AUD. The porcelain material used typically costs more than resin material. Dental veneers are also permanent and can save you money over time with strong oral hygiene. Bonding is more susceptible to breaking and could cost you double compared to veneers. Ultimately, it does depend on how well you look after your teeth at home.
  • Durability – Dental veneers are designed to be a permanent solution for defects in your teeth. The porcelain material is more durable and stain-resistant compared to resin material, which can stain over time.
  • Goals – The question patients may ask include: Which treatment should I go with if I have a gap or chip in my teeth? The answer is both. Tooth bonding is considered a worthwhile choice if you want to preserve your current smile and fix those niggling defects. Dental veneers are also useful for this, but the porcelain shells can be bonded to the surface of your teeth to cover any defects, leaving you with a new smile.

If you need further advice on the best treatment option for your smile tooth bonding or dental veneers, or if you’re a bonding patient but the bonding has fallen off, why not contact us at Parkdale Family Dental by checking yourself in for a check-up appointment? Simply click here to get started.

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